Welcome to the Middle California Region Pony Club!
New members welcome at any time. Get in touch - email addresses under 'Contact Us'.
Both adults and juniors can be members of Pony Club! What are you waiting for?
Did you know?
MidCal will subsidize the cost of National Upper Level Testing for Members in Good Standing
USPC New Rules for Members 18+ - From Jan 1, 2022, all members age 18+ must show they have successfully completed SafeSport training. In addition, all Members age 21+ are required to pass a background check.
Wildfire/Evacuation resources now have their own page under the Members menu. Includes 'Find My Zone' information to help you understand CalFire evacuation etc. announcements, an evacuation checklist, and more! Real time updates for current events will happen on MidCal's Facebook page.
Certifications for C-1 and C-2 in June and October every year!